Marc Aird-Mash

Together Equal Project World Podcast

Listen to my story on the Together Equal Project World podcast to hear how after I had to fight to get my son's dyslexia diagnosed, I went on to become a Dyslexia trainer, assessor and student support worker. Now I works with young people to help them achieve their maximum potential. ⁠

Together Equal Project World - conversations that can change the world. We’re here to celebrate everyday people who are on a mission to change the world however they can. From climate change to domestic violence, social equality to fairtrade, our guests each have one thing in common - they're making it their business to change the world.⁠ ⁠⁠

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‘My daughter is bright, funny and confident. Her reading is good, although she’s 7 not as far progressed as her sister was at her age. Her father is dyslexic so we’ve always had half an eye on her progress and there really did seem to be a disconnect between her verbal skills and her academic performance. Giulia assessed her and confirmed that she is dyslexic. Now we know, we have been able to support her better, we’re working with the school on her spelling and handwriting - rather than giving her extra work she has different work to do at home and that works really well. Her extra-curricular teachers have also been great - her dance teacher has started to break down routines into smaller, more digestible chunks to help her remember them and her music teacher has been using all sorts of great techniques to help maintain her engagement.’ (Sarah)
